
STDV - Sivil Toplum için Destek Vakfı

A bridge between donors and Civil Society Organisations

STDV stands for “Sivil Toplum için Destek Vakfı”, which translates to “Support Foundation for Civil Society”. The Istanbul based foundation aims to act as a bridge between donors and civil society organisations.

Using the funds collected from donors, STDV supports small NGOs in their innovative and sustainable approaches to solving Türkiye’s pressing social problems.

STDV’s Capacity Building program allows selected Turkish NGOs to receive core funding and intense capacity building through working closely with dedicated mentors. This marks a pioneering effort to develop and strengthen Türkiye’s NGO landscape.

Through STDV, Dalyan also channels some of its support to smaller scale NGOs in Türkiye and is able to provide funding during emergencies like the earthquakes, the pandemic or the Turkish wildfires.
